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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Empanelment of hospitals and diagnostics centres of CGHS for treatment and diagnostics procedures and fixation of package rates

Department of Posts, India,
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle,
Bhubaneswar – 751 001
The PMG, Sambalpur / Berhampur(GM).
All SSPOs / SPOs / SSRM /SRMs in Odisha Circle.
The Director of Accounts(Postal), Cuttack-4.
All CMO I/C, Postal Dispensaries in Odisha.
All Group Officers, Circle Office, Bhubaneswar.
The Superintendent. of  of PSD, Bhubaneswar / Sambalpur.
The Superintendent CSD, Bhubaneswar.
The Executive Engineer, Postal Civil Division, Cuttack.
The Manager, Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar – 751 010.
 No.AP/23-Rlg/2008                                      Dated at Bhubaneswar the18-06-2012.

Sub:        Empanelment of hospitals and diagnostics centres of CGHS for treatment  and diagnostics procedures and fixation of package rates - reg.
                        I am directed to attach herewith a copy of the Directorate letter no.6-1/2008-Medical, dtd.19.3.2009 on the aforesaid subject for information and guidance. This letter of the Directorate was earlier circulated vide this office letter of even no. dtd.04.05.2009.
                         For reference relating to CGHS empanelled hospitals and diagnostic centres and package rates, the following web site of the CGHS may also be visited.
                         It is observed that  in connection with treatment of staff and their dependent family members in CGHS empanelled hospitals, medical advance and reimbursements are claimed showing amount which is in wide variance with the CGHS approved rates. In many cases, exaggerated amount is shown in the estimates / bills by the Hospital Authorities without referring to the amount as per CGHS approved rates. This is not desirable. CGHS empanelled hospitals are required to prepare the estimates / bills as per the amount admissible at the CGHS rates. A certificate to the effect that the estimate/bill is based on the amount as per CGHS approved rates is also required to be furnished by the Hospital Authorities. Staff claiming the medical advance / bills are required to ensure this.
                         This issues with approval of  the competent authority for information, guidance & necessary action.
 Encl :  As above

(B B Mohanty)
Asst. Director(Accounts)
For Chief PMG, Odisha Circle,
Bhubaneswar – 751 001.
Copy to: All the Recognized Service Unions / Associations for information.

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