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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Whether Training period could be counted for allowing MACP?

Railway Board has clarified that pre-appointment training shall not be taken in to into reckoning forthe purpose of MACPS (Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme), since, the instructions issued by Deptt. of Personnel & Training (DoP&T), the nodal department of Government on the subject of MACPS did not allow for counting of training period for granting financial upgradation under MACPS. 

The detailed clarficatory letter of Railway Board (No PC-V/201l/M/4/NFIR dated 07.06.2012) is as follows.

(Railway Board)
No PC-V/201l/M/4/NFIR
New Delhi, dated 07-06-2012.
The General Secretary
3, Chelmsfrd Road,
New Delhi-110055.
Sub:- Counting of training period for granting financial upgradation under MACPS-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to NFIR’s letter No. IV/MACPS/09/Pt-5, dated 22/05/2012 and to state that issues relating to grant of financial upgradation under MACPS are regulated in terms of the specific instructions contained in Board’s letter dated 10-06-09, whose para-9 of Annexure stipulates that “ …….pre-appointment training shall not be taken in to into reckoning for the purpose of MACPS”.
   In this regard, It is also mentioned that the said issue has been discussed in Joint committee against agenda item No(s).24, 37, 40 & 45 and it has been noted that the cases where the probation/training is in the nature of pre-appointment, the same is not being counted for MACPS.
   Further, Board’s letter No. 2009/Sec(E)/PM-2/6(MACP), dated 28-03-2011 has since been withdrawn vide Board’s letter dated 29-04-2011.
   As the orders on MACPS are based on the instructions issued by Deptt. of Personnel & Training (DoP&T), the nodal department of Government on the subject of MACPS, this Ministry is not in a position to deviate from the instructions issued by them.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/Railway Board

source : sapost

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