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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Coin Vending Machines to be installed at Railway Stations

The Ministry of Railways has decided on installation of Coin Vending Machines (CVMs) at Railway Booking Offices at Railway stations. The detailed guidelines on this subject has been sent to all Zonal Railways. Under these guidelines, first choice could be given to State Bank of India (SBI) followed by other Public Sector Banks on first-cum-first-served basis. As per norms and conditions of this scheme, the Indian Railways will provide space for installation of the CVMs on nominal one time license fee of Re 1/-. Electricity shall be provided free of cost. Electrical wiring from the nearest main supply point to the machine duly protected by MCB should be drawn by the service provider.

These machines will be installed for a period of three years, initially. The location of the machines will be identified by the respective Railway Divisions. Total number of vending machines to be restricted to a maximum of four at each booking office in A-1 category stations and a maximum of two at each booking office at other category of stations. The Bank will maintain the machines at their own cost.
The Bank will also ensure that the requisite amounts of coins are available in machines, at all times. The Bank will also indicate the name of the manager who will be contacted in case shortage of change and requirement of maintenance. No advertisement on the machines will be permitted except the name and logo of the Bank. Positioning of the machines should be such that they do not hinder the movement of passengers.

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