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Monday, July 23, 2012

Important Abbreviation ( India )

Sr. No.AbbreviationStands For
1AAFIAmateur Athletics Federation of India
2AAPSOAfro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organisation
3AASUAll Assam Students Union
4ABMAnti Ballistic Missile
5ACAlternate Current OR Air Conditioner
6ACCAncillary Cadet Core
7ADAno Domini (After the birth of Jesus)
8ADBAsian Development Bank.
9AEREAtomic Energy Research Establishment
10AGOCAsian Games Organisation Committee
11AICCAll India Congress Committee
12AICTEAll India Council of Technical Education
13AIDSAcquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
14AIFEAll India Football Federation
15AIIMSAll India Institute of Medical Sciences
16AILAeronautics India Limited
17AIMPLBAll India Muslim Personal Law Board
18AIRAll India Radio (Broadcasting)
19AITUEAll India Trade Union Congress
20AMAnti Meridian (Before Noon)
21ANCAfrican National Congress
22APECAsia Pacific Economic Cooperation
23APSCArmy Postal Services Core
24ASEANAssociation of South East Asian Nations
25ASLVAugmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
26ASIArchaeological Survey of India
27ASSOCHAMAssociated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (India)
28ASWACAirborne Surveillance Warning and Control
29ATSAnti Tetanus Serum
30BAMSBachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
31BARCBhabha Atomic Research Centre
32BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation
33BCBefore Christ (Before the birth of Jesus)
34BCGBacillus Calmette Guerin (Anti TB Vaccine)
35BCCIBoard of Control for Cricket in India
36BELBharat Electronics Limited
37BENELUXBelgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg
38BHELBharat Heavy Electronics Limited
39BIFRBoard of Industrial Finance and Reconstruction (Formerly Industrial Reconstruction Finance Board)
40BIMSTECBangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand Economic Cooperation
41BISBureau of Indian Standards
42B PharmaBachelor of Pharmacy
43BSFBorder Security Force
44CADCommand Area Development
45CAGComptroller and Auditor General
46CARECooperative for American Relief Everywhere
47CASECommission for Alternative Sources of Energy
48CBICentral Bureau of Investigation
49CBSECentral. Board of Secondary Education
50CCEACabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
51CCSCabinet Committee on Security
52C-DACCentre For Development of Advance Computing
53CDMACode Division Multiple Access
54CDRICentral Drug Research Institute
55CHOGMCommonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
56CIDCriminal Investigation Department
57CISCommonwealth of Independent States
58CISFCentral Industrial Security Force
59CITUCentre of Indian Trade Unions
60CLATCommon Law Admission Test (Started May 2008)
61CNGCompressed Natural Gas
62CODCentral Ordnance Depot
63COFEPOSAConservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act
64CPOCentral Passport Organisation
65CPRICentral Power Research Institute
66CRPFCentral Reserve Police Force
67CRRCash Reserve Ratio
68CSIRCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research
69CSOCentral Statistical Organisation
70CTSComputerised Tomography Scanner
71CVCCentral Vigilance Commission
72DDTDichloro Diphenyle Tri-chloroethane
73DFDR‘Digital Flight Data Recorder (Black box)’
74DIGDeputy Inspector General
75D. Lit.Doctor of Literature
76DMDistrict Magistrate
77DMKDravida Munetra Kazhagam
78DNADi-oxyribo-Nucleic Acid
79DPAP‘Drought Prone Area Programme
80DPCDabhol Power Company
82DRDODefence Research and Development Organisation
83DTHDirect to Home
84DVDDigital Versatile Disk
85EASEmployment Assurance Scheme
86ECDEuropean Central Bank
87ECGElectro Cardiogram
88EECEuropean Economic Community
89EEGElectro Encephalogram
90ELISAEnzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
91EMFElectromotive Force
92EPABXElectronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
93EPZExport Processing Zone
94ERDAEnergy Research and Development Administration
95ESMAEssential Services Maintenance Act
96EVMElectronic Voting Machine
97EXIM BankExport-Import Bank of India
98FAOFood and Agriculture Organisation
99FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation (USA)
100FBTRFast Breeder Test Reactor
101FCIFood Corporation of India / Fertilizer Corporation of India
102FDRFlight Data Recorder (Black Box)
103FERAForeign Exchange Regulation Act
104FEMAForeign Exchange Management Act
105FICCIFederation of India Chambers of Commerce and Industry
106FIPBForeign Investment Promotion Board
107FIRFirst Information Report
108FRSFellow of the Royal Society
109FTIIFilms and Television Institute of India
110FTZFree Trade Zone
111GAILGas Authority of India Limited
112GATTGeneral Agreement on Tariff and Trade
113GICGeneral Insurance Corporation
114GMTGreenwich Mean Time
115GNLFGorkha National Liberation Front
116GNPGross National Product
117GPFGeneral Provident Fund
118GPOGeneral Post Office
119GPSGlobal Positioning System
120GSIGeological Survey of India
121HACHindustan Aluminium Corporation
122HALHindustan Aeronautics Limited
123HCFHighest Common Factor
124HDFCHousing Development Finance Corporation
125HIVHuman Immuno-deficiency Virus
126HMTHindustan Machine Tools
127HUDCOHousing and Urban Development Corporation
128HYVSHigh Yield Variety Seeds
129IAAIInternational Airport Authority of India
130lACIndian Airlines Corporation
131IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
132IARIIndian Agricultural Research Institute
133IBRDInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
134ICARIndian Council of Agricultural Research
135ICBMInter Continental Ballistic Missile
136ICCInternational Cricket Council
137ICFTUInternational Confederation of Free Trade Unions
138ICICIIndustrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited
139ICJInternational Court of Justice
140ICMRIndian Council of Medical Research
141ICSIIndian Company Secretaries Institute
142IDAInternational Development Agency
143IDBIIndustrial Development Bank of India
144IDOInternational Defence Organisation
145IDPLIndian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited
146IFAIndian Football Association
147IFCIIndustrial Finance Corporation of India
148IFFIInternational Film Festival of India
149IFFCOIndian Farmers Fertilizers Cooperative
150IFTUInternational Federation of Trade Unions
151IIPAIndian Institute of Public Administration
152IISIndian Institute of Sciences
153IISCOIndian Iron and Steel Company
154IITIndian Institute of Technology
155ILOInternational Labour Organisation
156IMAIndian Military Academy
157IMFInternational Monetary Fund
158INGCAIndira Gandhi Gallery for Culture and Art
159INSIndian Naval Ship
160INSATIndian National Satellite
161INTELSATInternational Telecommunication Satellite
162INTERPOLInternational Police Organisation
163INTUCIndian National Trade Union Congress
164IOCInternational Olympic Committee / Indian Oil Corporation
165IPCIndian Penal Code
166IPKFIndian Peace Keeping Force
167IQIntelligence Quotient
168IRBMIntermediate Range Ballistic Missile
169IRCInternational Red Cross
170IRDAInsurance Regulatory Development Authority
171IRDPIntegrated Rural Development Programme
172ISBIndian Standard Bureau
173ISMIndian School of Mines
174ISOInternational Organisation for Standardisation
175ISPInternet Services Provider
176ISROIndian Space Research Organisation
177ISTIndian Standard Time
178ITBPIndo-Tibet Border Police
179ITDCIndian Tourism Development Corporation
180ITPOIndian Trade Promotion Organisation
181ITOInternational Trade Organisation
182IUCNInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resource
183ITUCIndian Trade Union Congress
184JMMJharkhand Mukti Morcha
185KGKinder Garten
186LASERLight Amplification By Stimulated Emission of Radiation
187LICLife Insurance Corporation of India
188LLBBachelor of Law
189LLMMaster of Law
190LMGLight Machine Gun
191LoCLine of Control (Pakistan)
192LoACLine of Actual Control (China)
193LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
194LSDLysergic acid diethylamide
195LTTELiberation Tigers of Tamil Elam
196MAMaster of Arts
197MASERMicrowave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
198MBAMaster of Business Administration
199MBBSBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
200MBTMain Battle Tank
201MCAMonetary Compensatory Allowance / Master of Computer Application
202MCCMelbourne Cricket Club
203MDDoctor of Medicine
204MFNMost Favoured Nation
205MIMilitary Intelligence
206MISAMaintenance of Internal Security Act
207MITMechachusates Institute of Technology (USA)
208MLAMember of Legislative Assembly
209MLCMember of Legislative Council
210MNCMulti National Corporation
211MRCPMember of Royal College of Physicians
212MRCSMember of Royal College of Surgeons
213MRTPCMonopoly and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission
214MODVATModified Value Added Tax
215NABARDNational Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development
216NACONational AIDS Control Organisation
217NAEPNational Adult Education Programme
218NAFEDNational Agricultural and Marketing Federation
219NAFTANorth American Free Trade Agreement
220NAPPNarora Atomic Power Plant
221NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration (USA)
222NASDAQNational Association of Security Dealer’s Active Quotation
223NASSCOMNational Association of Software & Service Companies
224NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation
225NCWNational Commission for Women
226NCCRNational Council for Civil Right
227NCERTNational Council of Educational Research & Training
228NDANational Defence Academy
229NDDBNational Dairy Development Board
230NDFNational Defence Fund.
231NEERINational Environment Engineering Research Institute
232NEFANorth-East Frontier Agency
233NEPANational Environment Protection Authority
234NFDCNational Film Development Corporation
235NFLNational Fertilizer Limited
236NHRCNational Human Rights Commission
237NICONew Information and Communication Order
238NIDCNational Industrial Development Corporation
239NIITNational Institute of Information Technology
240NIMHANSNational Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences
241NITIENational Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering
242NMDSNational Missile Defence System (US)
243NMEPNational Malaria Eradication Programme
244NOIDANew Okhla Industrial Development Authority
245NPCNational Productivity Council
246NPPNational Population Policy
247NPTNuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
248NRDCNational Research and Development Corporation
249NREPNational Rural Employment Programme
250NRINon Resident Indian
251NSCNational Security Council
252NSSONational Sample Survey Organisation
253NTCNational Textile Corporation
254NTPCNational Thermal Power Corporation
255OGLOpen General Licence
256OILOil India Limited
257OKAll Correct
258ONGCOil and Natural Gas Commission
259OPECOrganisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
260PCIPress Council of India
261PCSProvincial Civil Services
262Ph. DDoctor of ‘Philosophy
263PINPostal lndex Number
264PLOPalestine Liberation Organisation
265PMPost Meridian / Prime Minister
266POTAPrevention of Terrorism Act
267PSLVPolar. Satellite Launch Vehicle
268PTIPress Trust of India
269PROPublic Relations Officer
270PTOPlease Turn Over
271PVCPoly Vinyl Chloride / Paramvir Chakra
272PVSMParam Vishisht Seva Medal
273PWDPublic Work’s Department
274PWGPeople’s War Group
275QEDQuod Erat Demonstrandum (Which was to be proved)
276QEFQuod Erat Faciendum (Which was to be done)
277QEIQuod Erat Inveniendum (Which was to be found)
278QMGQuarter Master General
279RADARRadio Angle Direction and Range
280RAWResearch and Analysis Wing
281R & DResearch and Development
282RBIReserve Bank of India
283RCCReinforced Cement Concrete
284RDXResearch Developed Explosive
285RIMCRashtriya Indian Military College
286RMSRailway Mail Service
287RLEGPRural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme
288RNARibonucleic Acid
289RPMRevolutions Per Minute
290RSSRashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh
291RTORegional Transport Officer
292SAARCSouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
293SACSpace Application Centre
294SAFTASouth Asian Free Trade Agreement
295SAISports Authority of India
296SAILSteel Authority of India Limited
297SAPTASouth Asian Preferential Trade Arrangement
298SARSSevere Acute Respiratory Syndrome
299SCSecurity Council/Supreme Court
300SCIShipping Corporation of India
301SCOPEStanding Conference of Public Enterprises
302SCRASpecial Class Railway Apprentice
303SDRSpecial Drawing Rights
304SEBISecurity Exchange Board of India
305SGPCSiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee
306SHARShri Harikota Range
307SIDBISmall Industries Development Bank of India
308SISSecret Intelligence Service (U.K)
309SITASuppression of .Immoral Traffic in Women and Girls Act
310SLVSatellite Launch Vehicle
311SPCASociety for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals
312SPICMCSociety for the Promotion of Indian Classical music and culture
313STARSSatellite Tracking and Ranging Station
314STDSubscribers Trunk Dialing
315STPISoftware Technology Parks of India
316SWAPOSouth West African People’s Organisation
317TATravelling Aliowance / Territorial Anmy
318TELCOTata Engineering and Locomotive Company
319TELEXTeleprinter Exchange
320TISCOTata Iron and Steel Company Limited
322TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language
323TRAITelecom Regulatory Authority of India
324TRIPSTrade Related Intellectual Property Rights
325TTETravelling Ticket Examiner
326TTFITable Tennis Federation of India
327TWATrans World Airlines (USA)
328UDCUpper Division Clerk
329UFOUnidentified Flying Object
330UGCUniversity Grants Commission
331UHTUltra High Temperature
332ULFAUnited Liberation Front of Assam
333UNASURUnion of South American Nations (Spanish: Unión de Naciones Suramericanas)
334UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development
335UNDPUnited Nations Development Programme
336UNEFUnited Nations Emergency Force
337UNEPUnited Nations Environment Programme
338UNESCOUnited Nations Economic Social and Cultural Organisation
339UNFPAUnited Nations for Population Activities
340UNHCRUnited Nations High Commission for Refugees
341UNIUnited News of India
342UNICEFUnited Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
343UNOUnited Nations Organisation
344UPSUninterrupted Power Supply
345UPSCUnion Public Service Commission
346USSRUnion of Soviet Socialist Republic
347UTIUnit Trust of India
348VATValue Added Tax
349VDISVoluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme
350VCVice-Chancellor / Victoria Cross
351VIPVery Important Person
352VPPValue Payable Post
353VRSVoluntary Retirement Scheme
354VSNLVidesh Sanchar Nigam Limited
355VSSCVikram Sarabhai Space Centre
356WEFWorld Economic Forum
357WHOWorld Health Organisation
358WILLWireless in Local Loop
359WMOWorld Meteorological Organisation
360WWFWorld Wild Life Fund
361WPIWholesale Price Index
362WTOWorld Trade Organisation
363WWFWorld Wild Life Fund for Nature
364WWWWorld Wide Web
365YMCAYoung Men’s Christians Association
366YWCAYoung Women’s Christians Association
367ZBBZero Based Budgeting
368ZSIZoological Survey of India

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