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Monday, July 09, 2012

MODEL QUESTIONS FOR IPO - (Postal Manual Vol IV Qn 51-71)

51.       Qualification of Inspector of Post office is

            a)         An inspector must be a man of active habits and physically able to stand the  strain of constant traveling, by night as will as day.
            b)         He must be thoroughly acquainted with the work of post office and the positions  of Post office and mail lines
c)         He must be able to conduct efficiency the investigation that are entrusted to him
d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans:d(238)

52.       Test sorting or practical, sorting with qualifying speed of _____ letters per hour for outward sorting  and ______ per hour for distribution of letter for delivery beats allowing for a max eight mistake in either cases

            a)         100,    50                                                        b)         1000,500
            c)         1000,600                                                       d)         None of these            Ans:c(264)

53.       Examination for the appointment of accounts of PO/RMS all clerks/sorter who have not less than _________ service as clerks/sorter.

            a)         5 years                                                           b)         10 years
            c)         3 years                                                           d)         None of these            Ans: c(273)

54.       Traveling allowance to an from the place of examination will be allowed

            a)         Only to successful candidates                     d)         All the candidates
            c)         No traveling allowance allowed                   d)         None of these            And:a(273)

55.       Mark the incorrect option relating to Inspector Post office examination

            a)         A candidate must fulfill the   conditions of min service limit and max age limit as                     on 1st Jul preceding the date fixed for the examination.
            b)         If they have not already availed themselves of the max number of chances                   before joining the APS, the will be allowed to have max of two chances while              serving in Army Postal Service.
            c)         If a candidate is unable to ride bicycle at the time of the application he should                        be given two months time to learn if after he has been selected.
            d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans:d(279)

56.       Check supervisor in RMS the standard for test sorting will be

            a)         500 article per hour                           b)         800 article per hour
            c)         1000 article per hour                        d)         1200 article per hour            Ans(279)

57.       Branch post office should be placed in charge of ED agent such as
            a)         School masters                                 b)         Station master
            d)         Land holders                                      d)         All the above                          Ans: d(284)

58.       Mark the incorrect option

            a)         The police officer who is not a pensioner may not be employed as an ED agent                     without the previous sanction of the DG
            b)         Disabled ex-servicemen who are in receipt of disability pension and are not               disqualified for further service in civil dept may also be considered as ED sub                       or branch postmaster
            c)         No person holding an elective office shall be considered for the post of an ED                       agent.
            d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans:d(284)

59.       Contractors are employed

a)                 For conveyance of mail
b)                 For performance of treasury work in post office
c)                  For selling postage stamps and postal stationary
d)                 All the above                                                                                                 

60.       Extra departmental agents are employed to work as
a)                 Delivery agents, in cases where full time postman are not justified
b)                 Mail carriers in cases where departmental runner are not justified        
c)                  Stamp vendors & Chowkidars       
d)                 All the above                                                                                                  Ans:
61.       Every proposal of new establishment made by a_____ must be submitted to______ through___________ concerned, at least _______ in advance of the date form which sanction is desired and where necessary.

a)                 Head of the circle, DG post, circle account office, 2 month
b)                 DG Post, Cent Govt, Min of IT, 1 year
c)                  Supdt Of PO, Head of the Circle/ Regional PMG, Account officer, 2 month
d)                 None of these                                                                                                Ans:c

62.       The value return in form Est 5  is maintained by
            a)         Experimental PO                               b)         Account office
            b)         Both A&B                                           d)         None of these                        Ans:b

63.       A value return is a statistical statement showing the quantum of different items of work performed in a Post office ie.

            a)         Value of all postage stamps            b)         Commission of MO issued
            c)         Commission on IPO sold                 d)         All the above                          Ans:d

64.       The value return in form Est 6(a) is prepared by ________ and submitted to____

a)                 Experimental post office, Account office
b)                 Account office , Head of the circle
c)                  Head of the circle to DG Post
d)                 The Supd. Post office to Head of the circle/Regional PMG                     Ans:d(531)

65.       A value return in form Est 5 or Est 6(a) as the case may be should be submitted with every proposal

a)                 In connection with experimental post offices
b)                 For increasing the establishment charges of a branch office
c)                  For converting a branch office into sub office
d)                 For closing an office on the ground of its being unremunerative.
e)                 All the above                                                                                                  Ans:e

66.       Mark the correct option relating to how are the postal income and postal cost of any office calculated in rural area.

            a)         2/5 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office plus 20%                     ( This represents in come on account of article received for delivery)
            b)         7/20 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office( This              represents in come on account of article received for despatch)
            c)         3/4  of the postage collected on unpaid and insufficiently paid articles delivered   by the office
            d)         1/8 of the postage due on unpaid and insufficiently paid article posted at office.
            e)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans:e)

67.       Mark the correct option relating to how are the postal income and postal cost of any office calculated in urban area.

            a)         43/120 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office plus   20% ( This represents in come on account of article received for delivery)
            b)         37/20 of the value of all postage stamps and stationery sold at the office( This  represents in come on account of article received for despatch)
            c)         5/7  of the postage collected on unpaid and insufficiently paid articles delivered   by the office
d)         5/42 of the postage due on unpaid and insufficiently paid article posted at office.
            e)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans:e)

68.       Mark the correct option relating to how are the postal income and postal cost of any office calculated in all office rural/urban area.
a)                 24% of MO commission on MO issued by the office
b)                 38 % of the MO commission on MO paid by the office
c)                  2/5 of the amount of commission realized on IPO sold & 2/5 of IPO paid
d)                 All the above                                                                                                  Ans:d

69.       The period of which the experimental PO is at firs sanctioned should not exceed

            a)         6 month                                              b)         1 year
            c)         2 year                                                 d)         3 year                         Ans:a

70.       No experimental post office opened in rural area may be made permanent unless its total income covers its total cost plus

            a)         25 % of the cost                                b)         10 % of the cost
            c)         5% of the cost                                    d)         20 % of the cost                    Ans:a
71.       Mark the correct option relating ot press sorting office
            a)         Press concerned should provide necessary suitable accommodation for the  post office free of rent and give an undertaking in writing that effect.
            b)         Press sorting office may be open after consideration of the HOC/PMG                       
            c)         The press should bear the charges of additional staff , if any that may be   employed for the purpose.
            d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans:d

 (Prepared & published by : sapost

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