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Thursday, May 03, 2012

NFIR letter: Medical Facility for the employees of Madurai Division of S.Railway

Requirement of health facilities on Madurai Railway Division of Southern Railway.
NFIR highlights the urgent requirement of medical facilities for the employees working in Madurai Division of Southern Railway. Railway employees and their family members are facing lots of difficulties in regard of their health and treatment. One of the major federation in Railways, NFIR highlighted the situation to the Director General of Railway Health Services through a letter on 2nd May, 2012. We have reproduced the letter and given below for your reference…

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen : NFIR
No.II/28/Pt.IV.                                                Dated :02/05/2012
The Director General, 
Railway Health Services, 
Railway Board, 
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,
Sub: Requirement of health facilities on Madurai Railway Division of Southern Railway – Reg.
Railway employees working in the Madurai Division of Southern Railway are facing lots of difficulties in regard of their health and their family members. The areas requiring urgent attention are highlighted here under for immediate solution as these are affecting adversely not only the available work force but also out put ultimately on the Division :-
(a) Facility of referral hospital at Madurai :-
Like other Division on the Zonal Railways, there is no referral hospital at Madurai. The Railway employees working on the Division when face emergent situations arising out of diseases linked to: Blood Bank, Dialysis, Scan of Brain, Angiography, Surgery of Hernia, By-pass surgery of Heart etc are sent to Railway Hospital at Perumbur, which involves over-night journey and the Perumbur Hospital is already over-burdened with a large-number of patients. This, in some cases, leads to even death of the patients referred. Sufferings of the employees of the Division further increase when the Railway Hospital/Perumbur give long dates for different operations and the connected medical tests.
In view of real emergent situations, as briefed above, the availability of a referral hospital, is absolutely essential at Madurai. Our affiliated Union when brought the issue to the notice of the General Manager, Southern Railway, twice, was replied that there are all facilities available in the Railway Hospital, Madurai, and the demand was not agreed to. Perhaps, demand has not been seen in its proper perspective.
Renewal of the services of Honorary Dental Surgeon at Railway Hospital, Madurai :-
Railway Hospital, Madurai till recently was availing the services of a Honorary Dental Surgeon whose term has expired, with the result Railway employees and their families suffering for proper dental treatment. They are forced to go outside Railway Hospital, for which no reimbursement is done in their favour. This is causing avoidable financial hardships to the Railway employees.
Considering the importance of the aforesaid issues, NFIR requests the Railway Board to take action on the above and resolve the same immediately to avoid resentment amongst staff. Action taken may be advised NFIR.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

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